
"My father took me to the movies all the time.

He told me about the first one he ever saw. He went into a dark room and on a white screen saw a rocket fly into the eye of the man in the moon…He told me it was like seeing his dreams in the middle of the day”

-Hugo, dir. Martin Scorsese

Hello! My name is Lucia Bellanger. I’m a twenty-five year old list maker, cat mother, Nicolas Cage fanatic, and aspiring film critic. I have a passion for all things film and my entire life pretty much revolves around it!

I have had a passion for movies since my father showed me Young Frankenstein at just six years old. My love of film has grown larger and larger throughout my life until I sought involvement in all things film-related. In college, I was Vice President of the Delta Rouge Films, a film organization dedicated to encouraging and fostering the filmmaking community, a radio DJ at KLSU radio with a weekly show dedicated to film soundtracks and scores, and even attended the Sundance Film Festival in 2015 and 2016. After graduating, I was a screener for the New Orleans Film Festival, returned to the Sundance Film Festival to work as a Ticket Agent, and have even dabbled in producing short films for my friends, but I felt like I had so much overflowing passion for film and those outlets weren’t satisfying enough.

So, I decided to create this website and blog! Here you’ll find short essays, film reviews, and movie recommendations from me. I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say as much as I enjoy writing it!


  • Manship Theatre - Head of Audience Services

  • Sundance Film Festival - Ticket Agent

  • New Orleans Film Festival - Box Office Manager

  • New Orleans Film Festival - Narrative Short Film Screener

  • Overlook Film Festival - Box Office Manager

  • KLSU - Radio Announcer and DJ