Return From Witch Mountain

Photo: Alfonso Bresciani/AMC

For too long I have been making the excuse that I’m “too busy” to get back into writing reviews and criticism on this (expensive) website. The real truth is, I’m too lazy. Too despondent. Too afraid of publishing my thoughts in such an official manner.

In the last year, I left my job working for a movie theater and finally entered the realm of film production. It was one of the biggest leaps I’ve taken in my life and I was absolutely terrified on my first day as an Office PA. I was lucky enough to have a boss who was patient and willing to help me learn, as well as willing to believe in my potential. He took me along with him to his next project and “promoted” me to Production Secretary.

I’ve spent the last nine months working on the upcoming AMC+ show “Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches” (slight flex), which required some very long nights and lots of patience. I’ve developed an affection (and deep appreciation) for the less glamorous aspects of this industry. It’s all really exciting! But it’s also really exhausting. And sometimes very emotionally strenuous. I became far too mentally and emotionally drained to even WATCH movies, much less review them. That’s the catch-22 of this industry. You’re so busy making movies that you don’t have much time to actually watch them.

For months I would say “I miss writing, I’ll get back into it eventually”, only for that “eventually” to never come. But now that I’ve adjusted somewhat to the crazy hours of film production, I’m determined to write again with some regularity. My first goal is to publish once a month, just to flex my muscles again. Hopefully, I’ll feel rejuvenated enough to write much more than that. After all, it’s my favorite time of year and I’ll have a few weeks off before I start my next project!

tl;dr I’m writing again and I hope you’re interested in what I have to say!


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